viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
Self Evaluation of My Academic Year (2009)
My career was only theoretical in the last years, but this year it changed in my professional education, because I was news and excellent practical experience with children. That’s very good for me, because the practical skills haven’t been easy for me in this career. I have had different experiences in practice this year and that is very important to improve teaching skills. In the practice I can improve and correct mistakes. so I can be a good teacher in the future.
I could do one language class in my practice this year, my teacher of “Language I” class linked theory with practice, then I could make a good pedagogical practice in “Altamira School”. The teacher preparation in the language area is very important, because we (the teachers) can solve the languaje problems of children today. Languaje is the basis of all knowledge and subjects, then, children shuld have a good education in lenguage, and this is the teachers responsibility. So I’m happy with my university education this year, because I could learn one or the most important subjects for my profession. I want to improve the national results in education, I want to improve the education of language specifically.
My final reflection will continue with the same ideas next year. I will not lose my vocation, the next year is the last of my career, so I want to have all the knowledge and skills in the next year 2010. This year was good for me, because I really loved my career this year, but the gaps in my professional education should disappear the next year, because it will the last year in university. I will have elective classes the next year, and I will complement this with my career in various topics and specialties. The elective class motivate me very much.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
Challenges in your Discipline
The teachers should work with Technology instruments in the class, because it's essential in the actual society and the children need to know this resources in the present. But, the teachers don't can use technology equipment in places or schools with limited resources. Then, only the private schools can have one education with technology equipment for the students; the state help to municipal schools, but this is insufficient, because the inequality about technology resources for students is unfavorable for the future society.
The SIMCE test don't was respond in all Chilean Schools, because the some teachers are in protest now and some students don't have class actually. The result of this SIMCE test will show the "Quality of chilean education", but the bad chilean education is very obvious and the SIMCE test always show the result of social inequality.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Improving your Faculty Facilities
We should take the education books from Philosophy Faculty, and this books can be in the "Social Science Faculty", also the infrastucture of library should have more rooms for the reading. Anyway, the woman-restrooms should have windows for one good ventilation in this place. All this can improve the atmosphere in the faculty, because this give more comfort for the students and teachers.
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009
Lenguaje courses are being "dumbed down"
This report comment about lenguaje couses in the university education. The lenguaje courses and the student numbers are decrease in the present. The proportion of students with lenguajes studies have dropped in european countries, for example in England or EU.
The government is accused, because it give more importance to science, technology and engineering subjects than lenguajes learning; and the universities are accused of betraing the discipline , because this are changing lenguaje courses with translations or interpretations abouth "cultural studies", or with other subjest abouth studies abouth others topics.
The Spanish, Italian and Mandarin courses are loosing them popularity in students, more student also opten for lenguaje couses out to the univertity, in subsidiary courses.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
The electoral campaings are very few serious. The presidential candidate aren’t intelligent in my opinión, they don’t have clear ideas and I don’t like it. The most important qualities for one president is the credibility and the good intentions for Chile. I don`t like the politician, but If I can been in the government, I had been something for the people with more dangerous problems.
If I had the chance in the government, I’m working in the educational or culture ministry, because I’m studying education and I want to help in one good education for the future.
The 5 principal problems in my country are the inequality, the poor, the public transport, the pollution and the education.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Criminals Laws
The pros in capital punishment are to get rit of more dangerous criminal in the society, but this don't give justice for we. The cons in capitak punishment is very clear; If we kill to dangerous criminal, Then we are criminal like them.
The goverment should take measures more efectives to reduce the criminal society, for example, the goverment can make new educational programs and policy for peolple with economic and social problems. The society is sick and this problem came from the family, from the comunity, from the school, from the job and from the goverment. We should make solutions for all this problems in the society.
The origin of the increasing criminality rates in Santiago is the inequality social in this city. The life is very difficult for people in Santiago, and the poor people have more psycologic, economic and social problems in this city.
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
What to do/ Where to go in Santiago
The top 5 places in Santiago are:
1. The "Bellas Artes" museum: because it is one very beutiful and interesting museum. You can see differnet painting of Chilean author in this place. The “bellas artes” museum is the best option for art lovers. The cost isn’t very expensive in this place, it’s convenient.
2. The “San Cristobal” hill: is a good and peaceful place, you can walk around the hill and also you can make deport. This is one natural environment in Santiago, and the metropolitan zoo is in the “San Cristobal” hill. Also, you should travel in “teleférico” and “funicular” for the hill. This is a nice and natural place in the city.
3. The amusing park: Fantasilandia is one excelent place in Santiago, because this is one entertaining and stimulate panorama. Fantasilandia is one place for active and energetic people. But, the cost in this amusing park is expensive.
4. The OHiggins park: is one place with very different restaurants of nice food. Also in this park you can see one small lake, in this park you can use one launch
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009
My school had technology for all students requests, The students could use one television with DVD for classroom, The teachers could use one microphone for the acustic pollution and the school had two computer classroom, one computer classroom was meant to be English laboratory specifically.
My education in the high school affect my live very much, because my school prepared me for the PSU and for the university studies, so that was positive for my results. But, my education based only in the important test and results, so this wasn't good for my formation.
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
Transantiago: Before and after
I was very lost in the city with transantiago system started. I didn't understand it and I didn't know its operation, but I could learn very quickly. I like the transantiago in the present, I think this is a good system, but I wait one better frecuency of buses in the future.
Now is requires a greater number of buses in the transportation system, because many people live in Santiago and the buses are very few.Thus, the transantiago be more effective for the city. I think that people are negative, and they don't accommodate the new systems.
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
A country I would like to visit...
I could eat the best spaghetti in Italy, I love Italian food! My favourite food is Lasagne!. If I could travel to Italy, I could see the Mediterranean Sea, this is a dream for me. I could visit the various museums in Italy, I could see the architecture and I could see the artistic works of Miguel Angel, Leonardo Da Vinci and Dante.
If I could travel to Italy, I could learn more about the World history. I could visit the monuments of Roman civilization; for example: “The Roman Coliseum”.
I wouldn’t like to work, study or live in Italy, because I want to live in my country always and I love the Chilean art. But, I also love the Italian art. I would study art in Italy and I would work in Florence sometime. But, I prefer to live in my country.
First Term : Good and bad points
I played in the aerobic class in the last term, that was very entertaining for me. I don’t practice other sports in the first term 2009. I played in the computer, I read some magazines, learned to play the guitar, or only slept in my free time, also I went to parties with my friends and with my sister in my free time (when I didn’t have to study for the university).
I was with my niece all Sunday, and she stayed all the day with my family. It was very nice for me, because she is happy all the time. Her name is Josefa, but we call her “Jose”, she is very beautiful: She makes me feel glad in my life in the first term 2009.
sábado, 27 de junio de 2009
Write about your blogging experience ...
I had some problems with my blog, because I write slowly in English, then the time the class wasn't enough for me. So, I didn't finish my post at the time of class.
The blog in English are a very good idea. I can correct my mistakes on the blog, I can comment on postings from my other colleagues and also, my colleagues can comment on my post, but we only write about the personal experiences now.
My ideal job...
I want to work in a liberal college, because I don't want to be in a authoritarian and uncomfortable environmet. Also, I want to work in a school for children with social problems ahd economic problems, because they need much support. This is complicated, because the municipal schools are more authoritarian.
I love many areas (psychology, the arts, philosophy and history), then I can complement them in my work. I would be a good teacher for children, for that, I need to be in a liberal college. So, I can use different methodologies and different areas in education.
My ideal job would be in a municipal and liberal college, and with a decent salary.
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
my favorite subject
I love the musical arts, the visual arts and the dance, but I choose the visual arts, because I am only good for them.
I tried to play the guitar, but I can't. I have also tried to dance, but I'm not good for it. In contrast, for the visual arts I'm a little better.
I love to draw. I also love to paint. For that, I use different techniques, for example: oil paintings, pastel pencils, watercolors, etc.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
"Do Schools Kill Creativity"
The Education has responsibility in the creative development, because the teachers can help develop the talents of children; They can learn to make mistakes, they can learn that mistakes are not bad. If they learn this, they can be creative, because the creative people is not afraid to make mistakes.
Actually, the children are punished in the schools, this when they make mistakes and when they are diferent in the class. For example, when the children are very active, they are called hyperactive in the school and they are calmed with drugs . Ken Robinson tells the story of Gillian, a girl that was problematic in school, but then could be an excellent dancer, she was recognized and important in his profession. If Gillian was reassured with drugs, she would have lost the artistic creativity.
We can be careful, because the teachers have the power to develop and also to kill the creativity of children. Then, this is our responsibility as future educators of children.
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
My future...
I will study a postgraduate about psychology of the education in university. Then I could do guitar, dance, music, arts, painting courses; I'll use my free time very well.
I want to live single in my house one time, because I want to do many things. Then maybe I will have children, but this isn't clear to me. I don't expect to marry in the future, I want to be happy (single or with a man next to me)... I want to be independent...
The best in my area...
Vigotsky considered necessary conversations of the children in school, because we must socialize the knowledge to learn. The "Zone of Proximal Development" is the most famous theory for his, because this is remembered by teachers today. This theory says that with help from and for the others persons, we can learn more and very better!!... with this theory I justify the diversity and integration in the classroom.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
My Career...
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
comment on a photograph you like

My secret friend "Pamela" gave me a box with chocolates, and she had done everything!! it was very nice and very delicious!!. Other partner of course "Javiera" gave me one shirt; and Javiera made this shirt!! it's very beautiful!!
In the photograph isn't all my partners of course, because some couldn't go that day.
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
My favorite piece of technology
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
My last vacation...
I went to the Pichilemu in the last summer, in the first week of February specifically. I traveled with all my family (my mum, my dad, my sister and my brother). In Pichilemu we visited the beach "Punta de lobos", where was the championship of surf, so we saw many people of the others countries in all the places of Pichilemu in that weekend.
We walked a lot for Pichilemu's streets and we were watching the crafts in the center of the place. This is one city with many art and interesting things: in the Pichilemu's streets had singers and painters. In this place was very complicated climate, because had very strong wind (on the beach, my body was beaten by very hard sand) and in the night, the climate was very cold with very low temperatures. One day, we went to "Punta de lobos" in the late afternoon, we arrived to the high rocks and all my family waited until than the sun hid in the ocean. That was the most important moment for me!
sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009
My best friend...
I like that she is always with me and when I have been sad she always is funny with me. I like share with she the similar musical tastes, friends in common, entertainment in common and similar views on various topics social and familiars. I don't like when she is aggressive and nasty with my mom, because my mom is nice with her.
We had one adventure in the last summer, in February. We went with our family to the beach and very late at the night my sister and I went to a party with campfire in the beach. When we returned to the hut was too late, we arrived at dawn and then we had to jump the fence to enter the cabin y we had to come to our room by the window (get up one above the other to jump).
I envy very much the hair of my sister, because all her curls are beautiful and very defined. I love her hair. Her face is lights with her hair, make it very beautiful. I Would give for my sister a little peace and quiet sometimes so that your personality is more relaxed and less explosive.
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
about me...
I study at the University of Chile the career "Basic and initial education of children" in the faculty of social sciences. In the future I prefer work in basic education, because it's more comfortable for my.