jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminals Laws

I don't think capital punishment is a good solution to reduce criminality, because this is one awful measure. The death isn't solution, Criminality is a big problem in this society, but we shouldn't kill to criminal persons. Realy we shouldn't kill nobody.

The pros in capital punishment are to get rit of more dangerous criminal in the society, but this don't give justice for we. The cons in capitak punishment is very clear; If we kill to dangerous criminal, Then we are criminal like them.

The goverment should take measures more efectives to reduce the criminal society, for example, the goverment can make new educational programs and policy for peolple with economic and social problems. The society is sick and this problem came from the family, from the comunity, from the school, from the job and from the goverment. We should make solutions for all this problems in the society.

The origin of the increasing criminality rates in Santiago is the inequality social in this city. The life is very difficult for people in Santiago, and the poor people have more psycologic, economic and social problems in this city.

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