The Education has responsibility in the creative development, because the teachers can help develop the talents of children; They can learn to make mistakes, they can learn that mistakes are not bad. If they learn this, they can be creative, because the creative people is not afraid to make mistakes.
Actually, the children are punished in the schools, this when they make mistakes and when they are diferent in the class. For example, when the children are very active, they are called hyperactive in the school and they are calmed with drugs . Ken Robinson tells the story of Gillian, a girl that was problematic in school, but then could be an excellent dancer, she was recognized and important in his profession. If Gillian was reassured with drugs, she would have lost the artistic creativity.
We can be careful, because the teachers have the power to develop and also to kill the creativity of children. Then, this is our responsibility as future educators of children.
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