sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Write about your blogging experience ...

My experience in the blog was good. I think it's very useful, because I write about personal things and with it, I can practice English. Then, I can practice English in a different way, meaningful and timely, because the blogs are used at present very much.
I had some problems with my blog, because I write slowly in English, then the time the class wasn't enough for me. So, I didn't finish my post at the time of class.
The blog in English are a very good idea. I can correct my mistakes on the blog, I can comment on postings from my other colleagues and also, my colleagues can comment on my post, but we only write about the personal experiences now.

My ideal job...

In my future, I would like to work with children between 4 and 8 years old. I prefer to work in a college, because the children are very small in a garden. The garden is complicated for my, because the educators don't work only in administrative matters.
I want to work in a liberal college, because I don't want to be in a authoritarian and uncomfortable environmet. Also, I want to work in a school for children with social problems ahd economic problems, because they need much support. This is complicated, because the municipal schools are more authoritarian.
I love many areas (psychology, the arts, philosophy and history), then I can complement them in my work. I would be a good teacher for children, for that, I need to be in a liberal college. So, I can use different methodologies and different areas in education.
My ideal job would be in a municipal and liberal college, and with a decent salary.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

my favorite subject

I like different subjects. I like to study musical arts, visual arts and dance; but I also like the area of Psychology, Philosophy and History. Now, I will talk about the arts, because it's my most favorite subject.
The arts are very important to my life, because they make very happy for me. I can express my emotions with the different arts. The arts accompany me in the good and bad moments of my life.
I love the musical arts, the visual arts and the dance, but I choose the visual arts, because I am only good for them.
I tried to play the guitar, but I can't. I have also tried to dance, but I'm not good for it. In contrast, for the visual arts I'm a little better.
I love to draw. I also love to paint. For that, I use different techniques, for example: oil paintings, pastel pencils, watercolors, etc.

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

Ken Robinson discusses about evidences of human creativity in education. Robinson says that "now the creativity is as important as literacy in education". He says very diferent histories about creative children, He thinks that all children are born very creative, but then they lost it.

The Education has responsibility in the creative development, because the teachers can help develop the talents of children; They can learn to make mistakes, they can learn that mistakes are not bad. If they learn this, they can be creative, because the creative people is not afraid to make mistakes.

Actually, the children are punished in the schools, this when they make mistakes and when they are diferent in the class. For example, when the children are very active, they are called hyperactive in the school and they are calmed with drugs . Ken Robinson tells the story of Gillian, a girl that was problematic in school, but then could be an excellent dancer, she was recognized and important in his profession. If Gillian was reassured with drugs, she would have lost the artistic creativity.

We can be careful, because the teachers have the power to develop and also to kill the creativity of children. Then, this is our responsibility as future educators of children.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My future...

I want to live outside of Santiago in the future, because I don't like the pollution and loud noises in this city. I live in a quiet, nice and green place in Santiago, in locations around this city as Buin or Paine. Also, I work as a teacher at a rural school; I teach for children in primary school.

I will study a postgraduate about psychology of the education in university. Then I could do guitar, dance, music, arts, painting courses; I'll use my free time very well.

I want to live single in my house one time, because I want to do many things. Then maybe I will have children, but this isn't clear to me. I don't expect to marry in the future, I want to be happy (single or with a man next to me)... I want to be independent...

The best in my area...

Lev Vigotsky was born in Russia in 1896. He is the most important person in education for my, because he provided very different themes about Psychology for Education and Pedagogy. Vigostky is one very important person in studies and theories about education, linguistics and pedagogy. He works from the dialectical constructivism, then he believed in human relationships and the environment in education.

Vigotsky considered necessary conversations of the children in school, because we must socialize the knowledge to learn. The "Zone of Proximal Development" is the most famous theory for his, because this is remembered by teachers today. This theory says that with help from and for the others persons, we can learn more and very better!!... with this theory I justify the diversity and integration in the classroom.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My Career...

I study Preschool and Primary teaching training at the "Universidad de Chile". I chose this career because it's very important in Chile; The education could change inequality in this country, then I trust in my career.

I like my career, because I have interesting classes and I have very excellent professor. So I like go to the practice; because I can enjoy with the children, they are happy always and they are very amusing always. I love it!!...

This career is in the "Social Sciences Faculty", then I dislike when the other students in this faculty discriminate my career. They think this career isn't social science, then they discriminate my career very much.

I want to study one post graduate about Psicology in the future. I could complement Psicology with Education, this would be very useful for my profession. Also, I want work in one public school in Santiago.